NAIWAZI ServerKit Manual

Please read this manual carefully before setting up your server

Quick Start Guide


NAIWAZI ServerKit consists of Gateway(GW) and Gameserver(GS), GS is the vanilla serverside program, mainly process the map and game logic, GW mainly process and forward the net traffic, network protocal, storage of player profiles and global data are also in GW, after the sepration of application logic and network layer, players would never be offline while gs restarted.

The following guide is very important,a lot of actions would be different from it before


            ├── Gateway/
            │   ├── Web/
            │   │   ├── ...												UI for web pannel
            │   ├── Naiwazi_Optimize_Helper.dll							Main part of GS
            │   ├── Naiwazi_ServerKit_Gateway.exe						Main part of gateway
            │   ├── steam_api64.dll
            │   ├── steam_appid.txt
            │   ├── steamclient64.dll
            │   ├── tier0_s64.dll
            │   ├── vstdlib_s64.dll


Do not lose anything in the package, copy the 'Gateway' folder into the root directory of 7dtd server.

Video Tutorial

Get Started

Download the package and unzip it.

The installation are divided into the following steps

  1. Unzip
  2. Copy Gateway folder
  3. Start



Copy Gateway folder

Copy the folder Gateway into root directory of your 7dtd server.


serverconfig.xml and serveradmin.xml will no longer to copy, Gateway will read them automatically. You must keep the exe file name of vanilla server as '7DaysToDieServer.exe'



Firstly, double click Gateway/Naiwazi_ServerKit_Gateway.exe to run the gateway, after it started, a web page will be poped up, an activation would be needed for the first time. Please refer to the FAQ below for any startup errors.

An icon would be appeared in the lower right corner, if it shows NAIWAZI ServerKit x.x.x - Port XXXXX after put your mouse on it, that means the gateway works and you could log in through the web pannel

The last step is start GS, RIGHT CLICK the icon in the lower right corner of your desktop, then click 'Start GS' to start your gameserver.


Following the guide, select your language and set your username and password of web pannel. Apitoken is the token that can access external APIs just like the admintoken of Allocs server-fixes. authtoken can be obtained from


You could fill anything into the 'AuthToken' field before the register system completed

Some Important Things

1. You could access the web pannel through url http://YOUR-IP:PORT Port number is the game port+1. For example, you set your gameport to 26900, and your ip address is, the web pannel url would be

2. The actions like wipe profiles, terminate gs, must do it in web paneel

3. The coolest feature is auto restarting, Fast-Mode restarting requires that you must have enough RAM to run two GSs. Fast-Mode is strongly recomanded.

4. Player profiles located in Gateway/data/players, note that the path if you would like to backup files. The profile files are end with .ttp, it is compatible with the vanilla profiles. the .info files is a summary description used by gateway.

5. Changing Mods without wipe data would be very dangerous, it will cause the data corrupted. Gateway would not need to be restarted if no critical errors occurred, and GS could set schduled restarting with period of 2-8 hours.

Data Files

		├── players/												Player profiles
		├── acl.dat													NOT USED
		├── acl.dat.bak												NOT USED
		├── admin.dat												Admin list
		├── admingroup.dat											Priviledge group
		├── blacklist.dat											Ban list
		├── chat_modifier.dat										Chat modifier						
		├── gs_protect.dat											GS Assistant		
		├── gsinfo.dat												GS Settings
		├── mappings.dat											Blocks and items IDs
		├── mappings_icon.dat										Icons of blocks and items
		├── modification_items.dat									Modifications IDs
		├── notification.dat										Notification of gateway
		├── whitelist.dat											White list of firewall


Wiping data need to delete three stuffs, the folder 'players', mappings.dat and mappings_icon.dat. Keep gateway off is required for each actions. The vanilla saving data also needs to be deleted.